Stud Game odds Calculator

Equity Calculator App for several stud games

Equity calculator app for mix game lovers

There are equity calculator apps for major stud games such as Razz, Stud hi, Stud hi/lo .

But minor stud game equity calculator apps such as 2-7 Razz or Razzdugi does not exist.

So we will be releasing a simple simulation-based equity calculator apps for stud games include minor games.

Supported games are as follows

  • Stud Hi

  • Stud Hi/lo

  • Razz

  • 2-7 Razz

  • Razzdugi

  • Razzdeucy

Understanding the difference in equity between different games

Comparing 2-7 Razz and Razz, we can see that win rates of 237 vs 567 are 3% different due to the difference in the ease of straight

Calculator the equity for split games

Comparing tri-hand and no-tri hand, no-tri hand is 1.5-to-1 under dog.

And if badugi is behind such as 7-badugi and 9-badugi, there is only 18% win rate 9-badugi at 5th street.


We run 10,000 simulations from the given hand state to the showdown state and output the expected value of the simulation

Related apps

We also released draw game equity calculator app (2-7, A-5, Badugi, Badacey, Baduecy)

We also plant to release board games equity calculator app such as Double Board Omaha, Big O



If you have any questions please feel free contact to us.

Email : contact(atmark)